Thursday, November 18, 2010


I chose Hari Raya Aidilfitri or Eid-ul-Fitr as my festival of choice because it is the festival that I waited for each year. Celebrating Eid, marks the end of Ramadhan - a month where Muslim needs to fast throughout the days to experience firsthand of hunger and poverty.

Eid-ul-Fitr is also the day when we, Muslim could wear new clothes (but still traditional e.g; baju kurung and baju melayu) and gets 'duit raya'; an equivalent of the Chinese's angpow.
baju kurung

During Eid, Malay Muslim usually opted for traditional food such as ketupat, lemang, wajik and rendang to celebrate.


I was told to flatten my image because I couldn't upload my .psd file to MMLS. So, I flattened the file.So I right-click, and click Flatten the Image. Done!

After flattening the layer would become 1.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Minor adjustment

I think that I want to change the ketupat and $10 to a real image. So I change it.
My final e-wallpaper for now is this;


Final : E-wallpaper


Execution Part 2 - Wallpaper

01. Open up a new file of A4 size and I filled the background with a bright green neon colour. Then I placed both of the dolls on the new file and resized it (Ctrl + T) accordingly.
After placing and resizing the dolls, I click on the image of the dolls layer and right-click and choose Stroke Path. I put the Width as 10 px and choose the location as Outside. Then I made a new layer underneath the Stroke layer and choose a dotted brush I downloaded from deviantART and applied it.

02. I made a new Gradient layer by clicking the Ying-Yang like button and choose darker green for the Gradient colour.
03. Next, choose a dark red colour ( I choose #290E01) and made a new layer, fill it with the colour and set the layer mode to Exclusion. Play with the opacity.Then made a new layer underneath the Exclusion layer. Go to Image > Apply Image, and click OK. After that, on the newly applied image, go to Image > Adjustment > Selective Colour.

I used this settings.
Then click OK.

04. Next, made a new layer and I choose polka-dot brush, also downloaded from and put it on the layer underneath the Exclusion layer. I put the polka dot pattern because I thought the e-wallpaper looks too plain.

05. Using the Type Tool, I typed "Selamat Hari Raya" and "maaf zahir batin" at the topmost of the e-wallpaper. By the way, I am using Georgia as the font.
Then using the Shape Tool, choose a borderlike shape to frame the words.
06. The e-wallpaper still seems a bit bland, don't you think? So to add more stuff, I opened a light texture file and paste it then set the layer mode to Lighten.Then using Brush Tool, I drew bubble speech for the dolls. For the male doll, I drew money symbol inside the bubble speech while for the female doll, I drew ketupat symbol. Next I added heart symbols around the dolls.

07. The final step, I opened up a rustic texture file to add a rusty effect on the wallpaper and set the layer mode on Multiply.
After that for final touch-up; I added a white Gradient layer.FINAL RESULT:


Execution Part 1 - Extraction

Okay, as I told you guys in the previous post I'd be working on my e-wallpaper using paperdoll-like theme with Hari Raya as it main theme.

So let's start with the basic step. Googling for images.
When I think of cute dolls, I thought of Vocaloid. So I googled for Vocaloid figurines on the web. Then for the Hari Raya theme, I searched for kids baju kurung and baju melayu (both are Malay traditional cloth wore on Hari Raya).Of course after finding all the images, now is the time to work on it.

01. Open the image that I want to use. Next, I duplicate the image layer. Then, I made a new layer in between both of the image layers and fill the layer with black colour.
The dark background is used so that when I extract the doll image, I can see all the flaws and rough edges clearly. Thus, it'd made the cleaning process afterwards much more easier.

02. I extract the image using Masking technique.

After extracting it, I used the advantage of the dark background to help me erase all the rough and uneven edges.

I zoomed the image to ease the erasing and smoothing process.

03. After all the hefty extracting works, I opened up a new image; baju melayu. Duplicated it and I use the Magic Wand Tool (because the background is simply plain white) and choose the background. Deleted the background and you got yourself a baju melayu.
04. To combine the baju melayu and doll, first, I pasted the baju melayu on top of the doll layer.Then, I separated the sleeve parts of the baju melayu and the pants apart from the body of baju melayu using Polygonal Lasso Tool and pasting the differents parts of the baju melayu on different layers.

05. Here comes the tricky part. Blending the baju melayu with the body of the doll. What I do first is select the body part of the doll using the Polygonal Lasso Tool then filled it with any solid bright colour.
Okay, after that, make sure that the baju melayu body layer is on top of the coloured body of the doll layer. Then, select the coloured body of the doll layer by left clicking on the image of the layer then choose the layer of baju melayu body click Ctrl + Shift + I and delete it.There you got it!

06. Repeat the process for the sleeves and the pants. Notice that I deleted the doll's scarf and added a songkok on the doll's head.

07. To make the songkok appear more realistic, duplicate the songkok layer and right click on the duplicated layer. Then click on Layer Style, ticked the Drop Shadow box and click ok. Adjust the shadow by erasing it and playing with the opacity.
08. I repeated the process for the female doll.

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